Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Seal Skin
She is a beautiful female Sea Lion. One night she and her sisters shed their seal skins and dance upon a rock in the moonlight near the ocean. He sees the women and is entranced by their naked beauty. He is lonely and wants a wife, so he steals a seal skin. All of her sisters return to their skins and return to the ocean...but she cannot find her skin. He tells her that he wants her to be his wife and that he will return her skin to her in 5 years. So, she is stolen from the sea and becomes his wife. She bears a son and she lives contentedly during her 5 years. When the 5 years is over she demands her skin back and he refuses to give it to her. He goes away with the skin and she does not know where it is. Her body, now begins to wither and shrink. Her human skin becomes pale and flakes off, her bones begin to show through...she is fading away to death. Her son is young, about 4 years old, yet he feels his mother slipping away. He cries, day and night, knowing that he is losing her...one way or another. One night child takes off hearing his name called by the ocean. He climbs among the rocks in the moonlight and discovers the seal skin hidden among them. He takes the skin to his mother. He cries as she puts on the skin and begs her to please not leave him. She puts on her skin, takes his hand and dives into the ocean with him. There they are greeted by her father and her sisters. The child is loved by his grandfather and shown all the ways of the ocean. But the child must return to his home on earth. The mother, in time, takes him up to the shore and weeps as she leaves him where he belongs as she returns to her home. The child grows to become a great poet and a great prophet.
So much to say about this story...I will comment another time :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Red Shoes
What a terribly truthful and wonderfully insightful story. So much symbolism. There are 2 pairs of Red shoes and they represent 2 very different psychological aspects of human nature...
The first pair of shoes represents the girl's creativity and ingenuity. She has made them from scraps and wears them with joy and pride. Her creation lifts her spirit and she is full of a sense of who she is and happy in her own skin. She is poor but happy in her life ... she is strong in her own creative energy. Although she is an orphan and she is penniless, she has found the key to her happiness within her self...which is her creativity...and she has manifested the shoes. They, literally and figuratively, keep her gounded in herself and upon the earth. They are her core and they take her from place to place in the world with the knowledge that she is whole within herself. Her wild and authentic nature is intact, despite her outter worldly conditions.
After she is taken in by the wealthy old woman, and provided materialistic comforts...she becomes trapped. Her shoes are looked down upon by the old woman, and eventually by the community that she is now living in. Steadfast, she continues to wear them, even though her benefactor insists that she not wear them anymore. She is unconcerned by the reactions of those around her. The old woamn and the community become increasingly outraged by her non-conformism and, eventually, the old woman takes the shoes away from her and burns them. The Girl becomes depressed. She sadly goes through her days and nights missing a piece of herself. Her creative core has been burned away by the old woman's (and the community's) insistance on her conforming to their ideas of "normalcy". Her true nature has been burned in the fire along with the shoes. Her soul is no longer alive...and she has a deep seated hole in herself that she cannot seem to escape. Over time the hole becomes larger and larger until she is starved for the missing piece.
The second pair. As the girl wanders through the vendor carts of the village she seeks for something to replace what she has lost. And then she sees them...a shiny and perfect pair of red shoes. They are not of her own creation, but they are so much prettier than the ones she made. She tries them on and they fit perfectly. The vendor gives her the shoes as a present with a glint of sinister knowledge in his eyes. She skips down the road so happy in her new shoes. As she skips along she begins to dance. She dances all the way to her house and into the front door. She begins to tire now and sits to remove the shoes, yet her feet keep moving and dancing even while she sits...and the shoes won't come off of her feet. So she goes out into the night dancing away...at once thrilled and terrified. She dances throughout the night, unable to stop...out of control of herself...she stops eating and does nothing but dance, because she cannot stop. The shoes will not allow her to rest or to eat. They have taken over her life and they will kill her, in time. she knows she must remove the shoes and returns to the vendor who tells her they can never be removed. The terrible ending is that she has to have her feet cut off in order to be able to live.
The second pair of red shoes represent the thing that we choose that is outside of ourselves to fill the void inside. Having lost her core creative nature...she seeks outside of herself, rather than returning to her core...and the thing outside cannot replace what was lost internally. The second pair traps her into madness which will kill her, in time.
This story brings up many personal events and times when I have felt the creative core and then lost it and then turned to outside replacement only to find that the outside replacement is not only dissatisfying but also dangerous....more to come on this.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Ugly Duckling's Mother
The story of The Ugly Duckling and the analysis of the internal and external mothers was very insightful. As I linger over thoughts of my own external Mother I am overcome with feelings of gratitude for her Love and acceptance of me. Going through the process of planning my daughter's wedding is showing me the depth of my Love for my daughter...and also the depth of the Love my mother carried in her heart for me during her lifetime. And even after her lifetime!
During a psychic reading I had last year much came through from my Father about how much my Mother Loves me. I wasn't really understanding that at the time...but now...Now that I am going through this "empty nest" transition...I understand much more. A Mother's Love for her daughter, not always, but often and in my case...is eternal! In many ways it is the closest thing to God's love that we have in this realm of life. My mother loved me and continues to love me without condition...just as I love my daughter.
Then there is the internal Mother. For some time this internal Mother was dampening of spirit and hampering of creativity. She always loved me and wanted me to be happy...but she wanted me to conform....she was afraid that my non-conformity would bring me sadness and pain. It was what she had to deal with in her life and she wanted to "protect" me from the pain of her own "wildish nature". The dampening, however, only served to create guilt...which was/is a trap that seeks to keep us from our true nature. I use the past tense in this because my internal mother has evolved to a place that is much more accepting and loving of non-conformity, now. She encourages me to seek out adventures in the world and encourages me to take risks of the heart...and she is always there to hold me when I fall down. This is the external mother I strive to be for my daughter....we cannot protect them from Life...for only in living Life out loud, will they learn the secrets of their own hearts.
I love my Mother and my Daughter with every fiber of my being....
Namaste :)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Skeleton Woman
The images invoked in the story of Skeleton woman are almost amusing. I see this man rowing his boat as fast as he can in order to get away from her but because of the "bond" between them, the fishing line, she "runs" just as quickly after him...even standing up on top of the water. Then when he gets to shore and continues to run from her....still she is "bonded" and continues to chase after him. Finally when he gets home and feels safe he begins to see her in the softer light of the fire's glow and he likes her presence. Then she begins to drink from him...taking in his tears to quench her thirst. It was especially interesting to me when she took out his heart and held it in her hands feeling his heartbeat and pulse course through her...bringing her back to life. Until, finally she becomes fully fleshed and fully alive again...and she sneaks her body next to his, skin to skin, where they become one flesh...and, it seems, live happily ever after.
I am conflicted with this story as it pertains to external elements. Being single and learning to embrace being a single woman, I tend to reject the image of a woman not being whole without the love and acceptance of a man. Yet, I sense truth in the story even in the external elements. It seems true that once a woman is "bonded" to a man she "runs" after him when he runs away...sensing his fear....and wanting to prove to him there is nothing to fear.
However, when this story is applied to the internal elements of a woman, it has a much deeper meaning and, I believe, a more truthful message.
The man embodies the Fear within us. The skeleton woman is, in essence, our true nature, yet to be embraced...but which cannot be embraced until the Fear is overcome. The skeleton woman, as an image of our true nature is not fully formed and lies at the bottom of the lake awaiting wholeness and transformation. When she is "caught" by the fishing net...a metaphor for being "caught" by a transformative, and fearful life event...she cannot escape the "chase". She is drawn, inescapably, towards the thing which will bring her Fear to the light. In the story the fear is, literally, brought to the light of the fire. In the light her fear, itself, begins to re-member her body and put the bones of her Self back together. She is remembering her true essence. The frame of her body is put back together in proper order by her fear. Eventually, her fear subsides and rests. This is when she begins to embrace it. She looks at it, it is quiet and sleeping, and she begins to drink in the feelings of sadness and life through the drinking of the tears. She drinks and drinks and begins to feel emotions, again. Love begins to replace fear. She holds the heart of fear in her hands and feels the warmth of its drumming. Although the story doesn't go this far, I would say that she spends a long time in each of the phases. I imagine her crying and feeling and understanding the depth of life and death and life, again, as she hold this heart so lovingly. In time her body becomes flesh again and her soul comes to life. She becomes the living, breathing, loving heart, mind, body and soul that she is and always has been. Then she fully embraces the fear...as it is no longer fear, but it has become her teacher and her lover...she becomes one with it...and as she merges with the thing that once despised her, (the thing she once despised in herself) she reaches full forgiveness and full wholeness. Very Beautiful! :)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Feeding Baba Yaga
I am still processing the image and energy of Baba Yaga. Still reading the analysis of Dr. Estes and feeling sort of powerful, lately.
There is the sort of under-current within, like the underground river that is running freely and constantly within the soul...it is the divine nature, the pure intuition, the holy spirit, the wild woman..the name is irrelevant....What is relevant is the constant flow of truth...the enthusiastic energy field that lies just underneath the surface. This is what I have been tapping into lately.
I liked reading about "feeding Baba Yaga". There is much truth in that. In order for our true nature and natural joy and exuberance to grow we must feed that energy with nourishment. How do we do that? More specifically how will you (or I) feed Baba Yaga, today? Vasalisa feeds her doll little pieces of bread as she walks through the forest. It occurs to me that this is feeding the natural intuition...which is also very necessary, but differs from feeding Baba Yaga...I suppose we must feed both. As I become more aware of the doll in my pocket, of my own inner knowing, I also become more aware of Baba Yaga's insatiable hunger. She is ravenous for Joy, for new ideas, adventure, creative outlets, altruistic pursuits...and she is entirely unafraid. It seems the more we allow our intution to prevail the closer we get to our true exuberance. Which is exactly like listening to the Holy Spirit who will guide us to the Truth of God. How very interesting and exciting this concept is!
So, how will I feed Baba Yaga today? Well today I will go to the final Adult Literacy Training and feed her/my need for alturistic pursuits. Then I will come home and give myself a beauty night complete with a bubble bath, manicure and pedicure to feed her/my need for feeling beautiful (I realize the Baba Yaga in the story doesnt care about physical beauty, but my Baba Yaga still does!) I also plan to continue to knit the scarf I started feeding her/my need for creativity.
I Would love to hear about your plans.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
RENASCENCE by Edna St. Vincent Millay
ALL I could see from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood;
I turned and looked the other way,
And saw three islands in a bay.
So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,
Straight around till I was come
Back to where I’d started from;
And all I saw from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood.
Over these things I could not see:
These were the things that bounded me;
And I could touch them with my hand,
Almost, I thought, from where I stand.
And all at once things seemed so small
My breath came short, and scarce at all.
But, sure, the sky is big, I said;
Miles and miles above my head;
So here upon my back I’ll lieAnd look my fill into the sky.
And so I looked, and, after all,
The sky was not so very tall.
The sky, I said, must somewhere stop,
And—sure enough!—I see the top!
The sky, I thought, is not so grand;
I ’most could touch it with my hand!
And reaching up my hand to try,
I screamed to feel it touch the sky.
I screamed, and—lo!—Infinity
Came down and settled over me;
Forced back my scream into my chest,
Bent back my arm upon my breast,
And, pressing of the Undefined
The definition on my mind,
Held up before my eyes a glass
Through which my shrinking sight did pass
Until it seemed I must behold
Immensity made manifold;
Whispered to me a word whose sound
Deafened the air for worlds around,
And brought unmuffled to my ears
The gossiping of friendly spheres,
The creaking of the tented sky,
The ticking of Eternity.
I saw and heard and knew at last
The How and Why of all things, past,
And present, and forevermore.
The Universe, cleft to the core,
Lay open to my probing sense
That, sick’ning, I would fain pluck thence
But could not,—nay! But needs must suck
At the great wound, and could not pluck
My lips away till I had drawn
All venom out.—Ah, fearful pawn!
For my omniscience paid I toll
In infinite remorse of soul.
All sin was of my sinning, all
Atoning mine, and mine the gall
Of all regret. Mine was the weight
Of every brooded wrong, the hate
That stood behind each envious thrust,
Mine every greed, mine every lust.
And all the while for every grief,
Each suffering, I craved relief
With individual desire,—
Craved all in vain! And felt fierce fire
About a thousand people crawl;
Perished with each,—then mourned for all!
A man was starving in Capri;
He moved his eyes and looked at me;
I felt his gaze, I heard his moan,
And knew his hunger as my own.
I saw at sea a great fog bank
Between two ships that struck and sank;
A thousand screams the heavens smote;
And every scream tore through my throat.
No hurt I did not feel, no death
That was not mine; mine each last breath
That, crying, met an answering cry
From the compassion that was I.
All suffering mine, and mine its rod;
Mine, pity like the pity of God.
Ah, awful weight! Infinity
Pressed down upon the finite Me!
My anguished spirit, like a bird,
Beating against my lips I heard;
Yet lay the weight so close about
There was no room for it without.
And so beneath the weight lay I
And suffered death, but could not die.
Long had I lain thus, craving death,
When quietly the earth beneath
Gave way, and inch by inch, so great
At last had grown the crushing weight,
Into the earth I sank till I
Full six feet under ground did lie,
And sank no more,—there is no weight
Can follow here, however great.
From off my breast I felt it roll,
And as it went my tortured soul
Burst forth and fled in such a gust
That all about me swirled the dust.
Deep in the earth I rested now;
Cool is its hand upon the brow
And soft its breast beneath the head
Of one who is so gladly dead.
And all at once, and over all
The pitying rain began to fall;
I lay and heard each pattering hoof
Upon my lowly, thatchèd roof,
And seemed to love the sound far more
Than ever I had done before.
For rain it hath a friendly sound
To one who’s six feet under ground;
And scarce the friendly voice or face:
A grave is such a quiet place.
The rain, I said, is kind to come
And speak to me in my new home.
I would I were alive again
To kiss the fingers of the rain,
To drink into my eyes the shine
Of every slanting silver line,
To catch the freshened, fragrant breeze
From drenched and dripping apple-trees.
For soon the shower will be done,
And then the broad face of the sun
Will laugh above the rain-soaked earth
Until the world with answering mirth
Shakes joyously, and each round drop
Rolls, twinkling, from its grass-blade top.
How can I bear it; buried here,
While overhead the sky grows clear
And blue again after the storm?
O, multi-colored, multiform,
Beloved beauty over me,
That I shall never, never see
Again! Spring-silver, autumn-gold,
That I shall never more behold!
Sleeping your myriad magics through,
Close-sepulchred away from you!
O God, I cried, give me new birth,
And put me back upon the earth!
Upset each cloud’s gigantic gourd
And let the heavy rain, down-poured
In one big torrent, set me free,
Washing my grave away from me!
I ceased; and through the breathless hush
That answered me, the far-off rush
Of herald wings came whispering
Like music down the vibrant string
Of my ascending prayer, and—crash!
Before the wild wind’s whistling lash
The startled storm-clouds reared on high
And plunged in terror down the sky,
And the big rain in one black wave
Fell from the sky and struck my grave.
I know not how such things can be;
I only know there came to me
A fragrance such as never clings
To aught save happy living things;
A sound as of some joyous elf
Singing sweet songs to please himself,
And, through and over everything,
A sense of glad awakening.
The grass, a-tiptoe at my ear,
Whispering to me I could hear;
I felt the rain’s cool finger-tips
Brushed tenderly across my lips,
Laid gently on my sealèd sight,
And all at once the heavy night
Fell from my eyes and I could see,—
A drenched and dripping apple-tree,
A last long line of silver rain,
A sky grown clear and blue again.
And as I looked a quickening gust
Of wind blew up to me and thrust
Into my face a miracle
Of orchard-breath, and with the smell,—
I know not how such things can be!—
I breathed my soul back into me.
Ah! Up then from the ground sprang I
And hailed the earth with such a cry
As is not heard save from a man
Who has been dead, and lives again.
About the trees my arms I wound;
Like one gone mad I hugged the ground;
I raised my quivering arms on high;
I laughed and laughed into the sky,
Till at my throat a strangling sob
Caught fiercely, and a great heart-throb
Sent instant tears into my eyes;
O God, I cried, no dark disguise
Can e’er hereafter hide from me
Thy radiant identity!
Thou canst not move across the grass
But my quick eyes will see Thee pass,
Nor speak, however silently,
But my hushed voice will answer Thee.
I know the path that tells Thy way
Through the cool eve of every day;
God, I can push the grass apart
And lay my finger on Thy heart!
The world stands out on either side
No wider than the heart is wide;
Above the world is stretched the sky,—
No higher than the soul is high.
The heart can push the sea and land
Farther away on either hand;
The soul can split the sky in two,
And let the face of God shine through.
But East and West will pinch the heart
That can not keep them pushed apart;
And he whose soul is flat—the sky
Will cave in on him by and by.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
More Baba Yaga
BABA YAGA is here with me tonight. Here I sit, by myself, at a wine bar...drinking a fabulous glass of syrah and knowing that I have the power and the confidence to do THIS..lol...thanks, in part to the influence of my Baba Yaga. I have met Josh...the guy drinking dark beer from a wine glass ... who is dreaming of going to Belgium. I imagine I am sitting in a wine bar someplace in Italy, or France or Greece...on my own...but never alone. It's kind of a thrilling feeling. Oh I've been soooo lucky and I've travelled many places in this amazing world but I've yet to go it on my own. THAT IS COMING SOON. I think 2013 or 2014.
And so, I let her run free tonight...the wild women in me...and I enjoyed an incredible evening of intellectually stimulating conversation and wine with Brian and Milton and John...we talked of poetry (Edna St. Vincent Millay's The Renascence) and the Occupy Movement and sci fi films and short films and religion and much more....we all felt, and expressed that it was like a 1920's salon and speakeasy...what a wonderful evening...and none of it would have occurred had I let Baba Yaga stay at home :)
Oh my goodness...Baba Yaga....There is so much to say about her. She is the wise old woman...the dangerous woman...the insatiable element...the dancing and ravenous spirit...the powerful woman served by not one young man on horseback but THREE...everyday!! Morning, Noon and Night!! She is the epitome of the Wild Nature..she is not beautiful by traditional standards...yet she is all powerful and capable of magic. Can we look at her and not turn away? Can we embrace her long pointed chin and warted nose and Love her for her unending spirit of freedom and wildishness? She has no desire to conform, no wish to be like the rest of the world...She knows her power and is comfortable in her skin. Her house dances with joy and exuberance twirling in the air on chicken legs! Wow what an image.
I notice that I want to "tame" her a bit. I want to keep her wild and free and powerful nature, but I want to sugar coat her and make her "nicer". lol...she is not "nice"...BUT she is JUST..she is FAIR...she keeps her word.
(More to come on this)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Last night I read the story of Vasalisa. What struck me were the similarities to Cinderella, yet it ended with much more empowerment than Cinderella's story. Instead of being taken away by Prince Charming, Vasalisa took back her own power by listening to her intuition and responding quickly to it...through the doll in her pocket. The power in this story is of listening to our intuition. Being able to hear that voice that KNOWS and trusting it enough to respond, quickly, to what it tells us. There is much in this story about our relationship with our Mother's as well. This gives me food for thought about my relationship with my own mother. She was great at being the "Good Mother"...unconditional Love for me poured from her heart and I always knew, know now and always will know that she loved me deeply and unconditionally. She was fearful, however, and it seems to me, spent alot of time warning me about life...trying to keep me safe. I am sure that I have done that with my children as well...I do not fault her for this...we all want our children to be safe. Yet, somewhere along the way, I decided to dismiss her warnings. I suppose this was healthy for me, in many ways, and especially necessary for my individuation from her. Her fear just never set well with me and, possibly with rebellion, I decided to prove that the thing to do was to do the thing that you feared. This has gotten me into some sticky siituations but it has also made me a less fearful person than I was as a child.
My Mom had a rough time in her midlife. I could write about her for hours, but I wont (at least not now). We lost her about 4 years ago. I miss her every day. She was a good Mom. Even as I began to explore the world, even as she tried to keep me safe, she always accepted me and loved me. What I love about her the most was her ease with people and her quick witted sense of humor. She was a light hearted and happy woman, before her illness. That is what I'd like to remember of her more. That is what I would like to regain in myself, more. Her playfulness and simple elegance were quite exceptional.
There is much to say about Baba Yaga.... and I intend to write about that later.
Monday, February 20, 2012
What is the manifestation of BLUEBEARD in your life? Where is the Predator in your outer world and in your inner psyche?
What an amazing and incredible chapter this is about Bluebeard. It spoke to me on so many levels.
First.....the naivete of the younger sister. I have been her too many times. I have known I was with a predator and I have chosen to overlook that inner knowledge in favor of the dazzle of a handsome smile. I have allowed myself to remain in destructive relationships by refusing to see the secrets behind the cellar door. Yet this does not apply merely to those things outside of ourselves, but more deeply, it applies to our own sabotage of our own freedom and creativity. How many times have I started a creative project only to abandon it as frivolous or unworthy...too many times. That is the predator in our own minds....the one who says "who do you think you are to try to do THAT...YOU can't do THAT". That is the Real Predator. The one in our mind who says "YOU do not know what your are seeing, listen to me instead."
Second...The older sisters, represent that knowing...the intuition that is there and is being pushed aside by the younger sister. The younger sister, in her naivete, is in cahoots with the predator to keep KNOWLEDGE from occurring. She wants an illusion vs truth. She literally transforms, in her mind, his odd and ugly blue beard..to a thing of "elegance" and mystery and intrigue. All the while her older sisters, those in the story and those within her psyche, know better...and on some level she knows it also.
Third...The brothers. This part of the story, this part of the inner working of the psyche kept me up late last night, tossing and turning, as I realized this is a part of me that I have not recognized, for a long time, if ever. The brothers are summoned by the younger sister to save her life. They arrive and charge into her chambers killing the predator and allowing her to be free from his cruel plan to mutilate her. I am beginning to recognize that it is time to summon the brothers in me to kill off the predators in my internal and external worlds, metaphorically of course, however in a very psychologically real way. I dreamt of hand guns. I have never dreamt of guns, before. Also, quite amazingly, to me, I have had several people brought into my life in the past few years who are hunters. Not something I am drawn to by any means...and I have often asked myself this past year..."Why am I drawing Hunters into my Life?"...Suddenly the answer is very clear...they were brought into my life in order that I would begin to see the Brothers in my own inner psyche. That within me is the Predator...but that ALSO within me is THE PROTECTOR.
There is within each of us every aspect of this story. Once the secret is revealed do we have the courage to look upon it and to deal with it? I think the author is showing us that we do have that and that we have the resources of our older sisters (our intuition) and our brothers (our own self protection) to rely upon to give us the strength and courage to do what must be done to remain free.
What thoughts or images are evoked in you by the term "WILD WOMAN"?
The term WILD WOMAN evokes images of women dancing before an outdoor firepit at the ocean and images of young girls, holding hands and running as fast as they can through a field of wild flowers -- and then falling down on the soft ground breathless and laughing. It evokes a feeling of Freedom. Freedom to be Female. To honor the softness and the caring nature of ourselves, our mothers, our daughters, our grandmothers and our grandaughters. To know that we know what we know is TRUE about ourselves. We were born with the gift of being women. The culture has not always supported our true feminine nature and has often, blatantly, tried to diffuse our natural vibrance and enthusiasm in an attempt to make us "calmer" and "nicer", to make us fit a mold that has been man-made. But we are not that.
LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. Somehow, it seems to me, women know this truth, have always known it and always will. Maybe that is our purpoose, as Women, to allow the beauty of that inner Priestess to reveal herself to the world and to teach love.
How would you describe a present day Wild Woman?
A present day Wild Woman is in tune with herself FIRST. She is willing and able to listen to that voice of intuition that has vibrated in her since she was a young girl. She is strong within herself. She is So very brave and incredibly courageoous. She will take on anyone or anything that threatens her young or her family...Yet, she is gentle. She will cry with you over your losses and she will give you all of her love if she believes it will comfort you. BUT
SHE MUST BE ALLOWED FREEDOM...without Freedom she will wither and die like a Rose without water. FREEDOM to Love and to Create are the life blood of the Wild Woman.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Letting Go of the Illusion
Attachment to people has become a problem. Trying to understand the difference between loving someone and feeling attached to them is now my biggest learning experience. Can we feel Love without feeling Attachment? Can I? What is the price of attachment to those who are not open to Truth? I will attempt to answer...
In a "special" relationship we feel attached to a person, place or thing...as if it is a part of us...as if we would lose our arm or leg or finger or toe...if that attachment were to end. On a deep level we do not feel whole without the object of our attachment. Which in turn sets up the failure of the "special relationship". Our ego is very invested in it...it wants us to hold onto this object...it thinks that we will be "less than" without the attachment. Oh the ego is ruthless and tries, mercilessly, to convince us that we are not worthy in and of ourselves...and that we MUST remain attached or we will not ever be Happy. THIS IS A LIE.
We cannot detach from Truth. Yet, we will detach from all egoic illusions, in time. Others will not always understand, they have their own journey towards to truth. Accepting Truth for ourselves, First, is our only mission. Without that acceptance we cannot show up in Love for ourselves or for anyone else.
So, the time has come for the Season to change in this part of my life. A friend that I have been attached to is choosing another path, now. A path I won't be going down because I cannot go towards the darkness, anymore, I can only choose to continue on the path towards Light. So, I am letting go...and giving the whole thing over to God where he will transform all hurt feelings into Truth. The Love is there and it is Real, but it is suffocating in the trappings of illusions, of lies, of secrets, of pervasive ego manifestations that are attempting to destroy the truth. And what is the TRUTH? The TRUTH has never changed and never will change. The LOVE IS REAL and it always will be so....it does not matter whether or not my friend and I travel together...we are each going to the same place....and, in Time, we will arrive...and in Truth we are already there.
All of Life is TEMPORARY. By its very nature, every little thing and every big thing will not remain the same.
Ecclesiastes 3
For everything there is a season,
A time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.
I do not agree that we must go through all of the cycles in this passage, however, The priciple that it is attampting to clarify rings true and I know that my Season is changing. Letting go of my attachment will set me free to enter this new season on hope. I am excited to see what's coming up next.
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