Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Ugly Duckling's Mother
The story of The Ugly Duckling and the analysis of the internal and external mothers was very insightful. As I linger over thoughts of my own external Mother I am overcome with feelings of gratitude for her Love and acceptance of me. Going through the process of planning my daughter's wedding is showing me the depth of my Love for my daughter...and also the depth of the Love my mother carried in her heart for me during her lifetime. And even after her lifetime!
During a psychic reading I had last year much came through from my Father about how much my Mother Loves me. I wasn't really understanding that at the time...but now...Now that I am going through this "empty nest" transition...I understand much more. A Mother's Love for her daughter, not always, but often and in my case...is eternal! In many ways it is the closest thing to God's love that we have in this realm of life. My mother loved me and continues to love me without condition...just as I love my daughter.
Then there is the internal Mother. For some time this internal Mother was dampening of spirit and hampering of creativity. She always loved me and wanted me to be happy...but she wanted me to conform....she was afraid that my non-conformity would bring me sadness and pain. It was what she had to deal with in her life and she wanted to "protect" me from the pain of her own "wildish nature". The dampening, however, only served to create guilt...which was/is a trap that seeks to keep us from our true nature. I use the past tense in this because my internal mother has evolved to a place that is much more accepting and loving of non-conformity, now. She encourages me to seek out adventures in the world and encourages me to take risks of the heart...and she is always there to hold me when I fall down. This is the external mother I strive to be for my daughter....we cannot protect them from Life...for only in living Life out loud, will they learn the secrets of their own hearts.
I love my Mother and my Daughter with every fiber of my being....
Namaste :)
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